Monday 31 May 2010

Log Book .. Final Presentations

Abdulla Masoud H00131565

Date: 23.05.2010.
Time: 1025-1040.

Title: Endangered species & how to save them.

Introduction & wrap: The introduction was very clear and Abdullah write the problems and also the solutions .

Body langauge : Abdullah used a small paper to read from it and eye contact were positive

Slides : colourful & clear and well-handled during questions.

Finally , the presentation was good , you u have a small problem with some hard words .


Mohamed Saleh H00128186

Date: 25.05.2010
Time: 1225-1235

Title: Hacking

Introduction and question-handling competent.

The presentation was good , there was many informatiom of hacking and there was also many information to protcect the computers .

Body language : he was using his hand very good and eye contact .

Slides : was not colourful , mos of the colours was red and black .


Ahmed Abdul Rahman H00132633

Date: 25.05.2010
Time: 1239-1248

Title: Traffic congestion problems in the UAE & how to solve them.

The introduction was very clear and it was good .

Body language & eye contact was good.

The presentation was 11 slides and it was contain slides of parking problems & journey times to work for the UAE & neighbouring countries.


Saood Abdulla H00131022

Date: 25.05.2010
Time: 1249-1306

Title: Growing crime rates in Dubai.

Introduction: The introduction was clear and good
Body language: The body language is good and he use his eye and hand .
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable but he wqas read so fast .
Eye contact: good
Slides: 11
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes but there was no shows a picture
Too many words: no


Mohamed Rashed H00132635

Date: 25.05.2010
Time: 1325-1343

Title: Obesity

Introduction : the introduction was good and clear and quietly confident.

Body language : he was using his hand too much .

Slides : the slides was very good and colourful , there was no many words but there was many pictures .


Mohamed Hasan H00132994

Date: 26.05.2010
Time: 0830-0840

Title: Population problems in Dubai

Introduction : was clear .

Body Language : good , but he was reading from the slides .

The presentation was colourful and there was many pictures of Dubai .


Munther Taj Aldeen H00128002

Time: 8:46 to 9:01
date: 26/5/2010

Title: Divorce in the UAE

Introduction : it was very clear ; questions effectively fielded.

Attitude & body language : was ver good . He use eye contact and his hand somtime .

Slides very colourful & informative.


Rashed Mohamed H00132879

Date: 26.05.2010
Time: 0935-0940

Subject: Egypt

Introduction : was good and clear .

Body Language : good most of the time , but rahid was reading from the board

There was 10 slides and there was many pictures of Egypt and there was no many words .

Finally , the presentation was good but it was short .

Vocabulary log

1) Road ( noun ) : a way or course: the road to peace.
The road was very crowded .

2) Number ( noun ) : a numeral or group of numerals.
I took Ahmed number .

3) Yestrady ( adverb ) : on the day preceding this day.
I went to the college yesterday .

4) Weekend ( noun ) : the end of a week .
I will study this weekend .

5) Qatar ( noun ) : small country from gulf .
I went to Qatar last summer .
6) available ( adj ) : accessible, usable .
This car is not available now .

7) Some ( adj ) : being an undetermined .
Some of the questions was hard .

8) Phone ( noun ) : a speech sound .
I got a new phone today .

9) Tired ( adj ) : exhausted, as by exertion .
Sultan was tired so he didnt come to the college .

10) Teacher ( noun ) : a person who teaches or instructs .
The Teacher solve for the students the question .

11) Computer ( noun ) : A device that computes, especially a programmable electronic machin .
I will buy a new computer .

12) Website ( noun ) : a connected group of pages on the World Wide Web regarded as a single entite .
Our exam was to make a website .

13) Accident ( noun ) : injury, damage, or loss;
There was a big accident in AbuDhabi yesterday .

14) Car ( noun ) : a vehicle running on rails .
Nissan has new models of cars .

15) Break ( verb ) : to smash, split .
Zayed break his leg .

16) Speak ( verb ) : to converse .
I speak with my father .

17) Family ( noun ) : a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children .
I will travel with my family this week .

18) School ( noun ) : an institution for instruction in a particular skill or field.
I take my brother to the school .

19) Dinner ( Noun ) : the main meal of the day .
I eat my dinner with my family .

20) Die ( verb ) : no longer living; deprived of life .
Many people die from the speed .

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Log Book

Date: 30.03.2010

Time: 1223-1243 p.m.

Location: F52

Presenters: Ahmed Ali H00130910 & Hedley

Subject: Polluted cities worldwide.

Slides :

First Ahmed Ali showed us the presentation about the pollution . Ahmed Ali and Hedley talked about pollution in some cities like AbuDhabi , London , Paris , Berlin and some other cities .

Ahmed Ali was producing the cities and then Hedley talked about the country and their problem .

The slides were good ; there was no written content , only the city name and the picture of the city .

Body language:

Ahmed Ali and Hedley were talking directly to the class without watching the board . Also sometimes they were using their hands .

There were some questions about the presentation from Fahad , Abdullah Khalid and Abdullah Masoud .

Their English was good and their voice was loud .


Date: 11.04.2010

Time: 1015

Location: F52

Presenters: Abdulla Khalid H00137908 & Al Munther H00128002

Subject: Toyota


First Almunther talked about Toyota and Abdulla showed us the first car Toyota made . Almunther showed us the newest car of Toyota . It was Pardo 2010 and then Abdulla showed us the types of car and then Almunther and Abdulla showed us some pictures of Toyota cars .

Body Language ( good ) :

Almunther and Abdulla were talking well and loudly to the class . They were using their hands to show us the pictures . There was some questions from Saud and Fahad and Hedley about the price of Toyota and the company of Toyota .


Date: 11.04.2010

Time: 1030

Location: F52

Presenters: Abdulla Masoud H 00131565 & Ahmed AbdulRahman H 00132533

Subject: Water Consumption


The slides were colorful and were talking about using water in Canada and there were percentages of global water .

Body Language ( Positive ) :

There were some questions from Mohamed and Abdulla ; both of them were talking loudly but Ahmed was clearer .


Date: 11.04.2010

Time: 1045

Location: F52

Presenters: Abdulrahman H00128332 & Mohsin H00132268

Subject: The UAE 1960-70


The slides were mostly black and white and there were many old pictures that show us how the UAE was before .

Body Language ( good ) :

Abdulrahman was using his hand so much and his voice was loud . Mohsin was talking clearly and he was using eye contact . Saud asked how they built their homes before and also there were questions from Fahad .


Date; 11.04.2010

Time: 1100

Location: F52

Presenters: Fahad H00130970 & Mohd Hassan H00132994

Subject: Recycling


Their slides were colourful & informative . There were 10 slides that explained how the recycling is important and how they can recycle . Also there were problems and solutions for the recycling .

Body language ( Positive ) :

Both Mohammed and Fahad were using eye contact but they were not using their hands so much . The questions were handled quite competently.


Date: 13.04.2010

Time: 1215

Location: F52

Presenters: Saif H00132862 & Faisal H00133058

Subject: The UAE, past & present


Their slides were interesting and had much information about the UAE in the past and most of the slides were not coloured . There were many pictures for the UAE in the past and the sheiks of the UAE .

Body Language ( good ) :

Both Saif and Faisal were talking loudly and clearly . They were powerful and they were enjoying their project and they were using eye contact . The questions were answered most confidently & clearly.


Date: 13.04.2010

Time: 1245

Location: F52

Presenters: Mohd Rashid H00132635 & Sultan H00134237

Subject: Starting a business


The slides were colourful and there were the steps of the business and how the business has become important now . Also there were many pictures .

Body Language ( Positive ) :

Sultan was using his hands more than Mohammed and he was talking more clearly , but Mohammed was talking louder than Sultan . The question answering was satisfactorily clear .


Date: 13.04.2010

Time: 1300

Location: F52

Presenters: Saood H00131022 & Mohd Saleh H00128186

Subject: The UAE in the past


The slides were not coloured but they were clearly . The slides were interesting because they had much good information and many pictures . Also the slides were informative and relevant .

Body Language ( Positive ) :

There were small mistakes but they were talking clearly and loudly . They used their hands and made eye contact .


Date: 13.04.2010

Time: 1315

Location: F52

Presenters: Rashid H00132879 & Salem H00133895

Subject: Giving up smoking


The slides were colourful and there were many pictures about smoking , but it was very interesting and nice .

Body Language ( good ) :

Each presented his presentation alone and both of them were talking clearly and loudly and the questions were handled quite competently .

Saturday 6 March 2010

The Meeting

Aims of the meeting

The aim of the meeting was to let all group members express their opinions. We wanted to look at the question of gender integration. Is it a good idea? If so, how could we implement it? What might be the problems+ how we could overcome them?

Minutes of meeting:
(1) Date: 24/2/2010
(2) Place: F 52
(3) Time: 12:25
(4) Abdulrahman Saif Bin Zayed ( H00128332) Chairman
Mohsin Mohamed AL-Hamed (H00132268) Secretary
Mohamed Hassan AL-Hammadi (H00132994) Participant

(5) Agenda :

Is gender integration a good thing?
Good points
Bad points
If we want integration, how can we achieve it?
What might be problems?
How to overcome problems?

First the meeting was started by the chairman Abdulrahman . The meeting was about the boys and the girls studying in the same class . Abdulrahman said that they can study with each other but with on opposite sides of the classroom , but Mohammed didn’t agree with Abdulrahman . He said that they will not make a something new , but Mohammed said that most of the families will not accept that their girls study with the boys . Also Mohsin said that there will be contact between the boys and girls by the phone or in the email and because of that the families will not accept that idea . Finally Mohammed and Abdulrahman agreed with Moshin .
At the end Abdulrahman asked if there were any more ideas and then he closed the meeting at 12:45 pm.

(6) Reflection :

I have learned to have more than one point before we begin the meeting and also we must have a chairman and a Secretary because he will write everything .

Sunday 7 February 2010


Hi , my name is Mohammed Hassan . Today , I will introduce my classmate Abdulrahman . I’m going to tell you about his hometown , family and his hobbies . Abdulrahman was born in Fujairah in Al Fujairah hospital but now he is living in Abu Dhabi . He has 3 brothers and 1 sister . He is 19 years old and he studies in ADMC and his major is business . His best thing in the college is the education and the subjects because the ADMC teaches so many subjects like IT , Arabic and photography . On the other hand he thinks that the worst thing in the college is that the teachers are very strict on the absences . His hobbies are swimming , football and chatting in the computer and last summer he went to KSA with his uncle ; he loved the country because it was crowded with people and he saw many of his friends in KSA . Also he went to the Omara . Now you know some information about Abdulrahman , his hometown , family and hobbies and thank you for listening .

Tuesday 29 December 2009

The Flow

There are some things in our life is necessary and important like food , air and water . there is information said that the world cover 70 percent pf the earth surface . The humans , animals and plants they cannot live without the water that show how much the water is important ( ) . There are many uses for the water like for the plants , drinking , food , agriculture and hygiene . In this report I will talk about the water and I will talk about problem and the solution of water pollution .

First , I will talk about the water pollution . All water pollution affects organisms and plants that live in these bodies of water and in almost all cases the effect is damaging either to individual species and populations but also to the natural biological communities ( ) . There are 1.1 billion of people don’t have access to clean water and also there are more than 2 million die every year because the dirty and the unclean water . The most countries that have a dirty water is in Africa , because there are many poor countries in Africa and they have lack in the food and in the water so there are many people in Africa drink in unclean water ( ) .

Secondly , the water can causes many diseases and also it can be dangerous for the people . Waterborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms which are directly transmitted when contaminated fresh water is consumed. Contaminated fresh water, used in the preparation of food, can be the source of foodborne disease through consumption of the same microorganisms ( ) . Some other companies has hand on the water pollution because they throw there dirty things in the water without taking care about the people who swim or using the water and also some people throw the garbage in the sea . Also the swimming in the pool can causes problem , The most common illness caused by swimming in contaminated water is gastroenteritis. other types of contamination caused infections many develop like on your skin, in an open wound and in your eyes, ears, nose and throat ( ) .

There are solution for the water pollution is to be stand for the companies who throw their garbage in the water and talk to them that how much the important the water is ( ) . Also the people who throw things in the water they must punish him and there must be a discourse with people to know how much the water is .

In conclusion , I think the water pollution is a big problem and it must be care from the companies and the people to be the water clean for their air , life and their children .

The References …..

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Word : 502

Monday 28 December 2009

50 Words

1 ) Change ( v. t ) : A passing from one phase to another , as a change of the moon .

Ahmed has changed his clothes because they were dirty .

2 ) Correct ( verb ) : To make corrections .

The teacher corrected the mistakes for the students .

3 ) Family ( verb ) : The collective body of persons who live in one house, and under one head or manager; a household, including parents and children .

Yesterday me and my family went to Dubai .

4 ) Future ( adv ) : Yet to be or coming .

Zayed is studying accounts because he wants to be in the future a businessman .

5 ) Respect ( verb ) : To take notice of; to regard with special attention and to regard as worthy of special consideration; hence, to care for , to heed.

I respect my father .

6 ) Exchange ( noun ) : The thing given or received in return; a publication exchanged for another.

I exchanged the cars with my friend .

7 ) Restaurant ( noun ) : A place where meals are served to the public.

I went to the restaurant .

8 ) Before ( adv ) : Preceding in time or earlier than or previously to .

I study before the exam .

9 ) Tourist ( noun ) : Someone who travels for pleasure .

A lot of tourists visit Dubai .

10 ) Price ( verb ) : The sum or amount of money at which a thing is valued .

The phone price was 1500 .

11 ) Party ( verb ) : number of persons invited to a social entertainment .

The party was very nice .

12 ) Problem ( noun ) : a matter difficult of solution or settlement .

I had a problem in the college .

13 ) Travel ( noun ) : journeying from place to place .

We travel to Lebanon .

14 ) Nowadays ( adv ) : In these days or at the present time .

Nowadays many people travel .

15 ) Beautiful ( noun ) : Having the qualities which constitute beauty or pleasing to the sight or the mind .

It is a beautiful car .

16 ) Busy (adj): Actively and attentively engaged in work .

Ahmed was busy at the match .

17) Reached ( verb ) : To get to or get as far as in moving .

I reached the college early .

18 ) Disease ( noun ): An illness which affects a person .

There are many new diseases .

19 ) Which ( noun ) : Of what sort or kind .

This is the car which I want .

20 ) Salary ( noun ) : periodic wage paid to someone for work .

Mohamed will get his salary this month .

21 ) Second ( noun ): the second member of a series.

I've finished the second exam .

22 ) Separate ( verb ): to keep apart or divide .

I separate my time .

23 ) Often (adverb): many times .

I often go to the match .

24 ) Noise ( verb ) : make loud sound .

The music was very noisy .

25 ) People( noun ) : human beings .

The people can speak many languages .

26 ) Account ( noun ): A counting .

I have an account in the bank .

27 ) Population ( noun ): All the people in a country .

The population of Egypt is 70 million .

28 ) Pizza ( noun ): a baked Italian dish consisting of flattened bread dough covered variously with herbs .

Yesterday I ate a pizza .

29 ) Courses ( noun ): a program of instruction .

Last summer I took an English course .

30 ) Healthy ( adj ): Having good health .

We must play sport to be healthy .

31 ) Special ( adj ): of a distinct or particular kind .

It was a special day .

32 ) Percentage ( noun ) : rate or proportion per hundred .

The percentage to pass the exam is 60% .

33 ) Preferred ( adj ) : viewed as superior .

I preferred the Porsche to the BMW .

34 ) Medium ( adj ) : A middle state .

I take a medium size t-shirt .

35 ) Million ( noun ) : a thousand times one thousand .

Fahad won a million dirhams .

36 ) Money ( noun ) : including coins, paper money .

The money is not everything .

37 ) Broken ( adj ) : Reduced to fragments .

Ahmed has broken his hand .

38 ) Control ( noun ) : To exercise restraint .

The government controls the country .

39 ) Degree ( noun ): Any of a series of steps or stages .

I will improve by degrees .

40 ) Follow ( verb ): to come after in sequence .

I was following my friend .

41 ) Instead (adverb): as a substitute or replacement .

I called Ali instead of Nasser .

42 ) Equal ( adj ) : the same as .

All people are equal .

43 ) Almost ( adverb ) : Very nearly; all but .

I was almost on time .

44 ) Describe ( verb ) : To tell or depict in written or spoken words .

The teacher described the lesson .

45 ) Machine ( noun ) : An apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions .

There are many machines in the college .

46 ) Choice ( noun ) : The power or opportunity of choosing; option.

In my life I have many choices .

47 ) Available ( noun ) : Such as one may avail one's self of; capable of being used for the accomplishment of a purpose .

The Blackberrys are available now in the shops .

48 ) Holiday ( noun ) : A day fixed by law for suspension of business .

I spent a nice holiday with my family .

49 ) Weather ( verb ) : To place unhooded in the open air .

The weather was rainy .

50 ) University ( noun ) : An association, society, guild, or corporation .

Ahmed is studying in Abudhabi university .