Tuesday 29 December 2009

The Flow

There are some things in our life is necessary and important like food , air and water . there is information said that the world cover 70 percent pf the earth surface . The humans , animals and plants they cannot live without the water that show how much the water is important ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water ) . There are many uses for the water like for the plants , drinking , food , agriculture and hygiene . In this report I will talk about the water and I will talk about problem and the solution of water pollution .

First , I will talk about the water pollution . All water pollution affects organisms and plants that live in these bodies of water and in almost all cases the effect is damaging either to individual species and populations but also to the natural biological communities (www.umich.edu/~gs265/society/waterpollution.htm ) . There are 1.1 billion of people don’t have access to clean water and also there are more than 2 million die every year because the dirty and the unclean water . The most countries that have a dirty water is in Africa , because there are many poor countries in Africa and they have lack in the food and in the water so there are many people in Africa drink in unclean water ( www.sustainabletable.org/issues/waterpollution ) .

Secondly , the water can causes many diseases and also it can be dangerous for the people . Waterborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms which are directly transmitted when contaminated fresh water is consumed. Contaminated fresh water, used in the preparation of food, can be the source of foodborne disease through consumption of the same microorganisms ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterborne_diseases ) . Some other companies has hand on the water pollution because they throw there dirty things in the water without taking care about the people who swim or using the water and also some people throw the garbage in the sea . Also the swimming in the pool can causes problem , The most common illness caused by swimming in contaminated water is gastroenteritis. other types of contamination caused infections many develop like on your skin, in an open wound and in your eyes, ears, nose and throat ( www.cdc.gov/healthywater/swimming ) .

There are solution for the water pollution is to be stand for the companies who throw their garbage in the water and talk to them that how much the important the water is ( www.cdc.gov/ncidod/Diseases/water/index.htm ) . Also the people who throw things in the water they must punish him and there must be a discourse with people to know how much the water is .

In conclusion , I think the water pollution is a big problem and it must be care from the companies and the people to be the water clean for their air , life and their children .

The References …..

1 ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water
2 ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_pollution#Causes_of_water_pollution
3 ) www.cdc.gov/ncidod/Diseases/water/index.htm
4 ) www.sustainabletable.org/issues/waterpollution
5 ) www.umich.edu/~gs265/society/waterpollution.htm
6 ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterborne_diseases

Word : 502

Monday 28 December 2009

50 Words

1 ) Change ( v. t ) : A passing from one phase to another , as a change of the moon .

Ahmed has changed his clothes because they were dirty .

2 ) Correct ( verb ) : To make corrections .

The teacher corrected the mistakes for the students .

3 ) Family ( verb ) : The collective body of persons who live in one house, and under one head or manager; a household, including parents and children .

Yesterday me and my family went to Dubai .

4 ) Future ( adv ) : Yet to be or coming .

Zayed is studying accounts because he wants to be in the future a businessman .

5 ) Respect ( verb ) : To take notice of; to regard with special attention and to regard as worthy of special consideration; hence, to care for , to heed.

I respect my father .

6 ) Exchange ( noun ) : The thing given or received in return; a publication exchanged for another.

I exchanged the cars with my friend .

7 ) Restaurant ( noun ) : A place where meals are served to the public.

I went to the restaurant .

8 ) Before ( adv ) : Preceding in time or earlier than or previously to .

I study before the exam .

9 ) Tourist ( noun ) : Someone who travels for pleasure .

A lot of tourists visit Dubai .

10 ) Price ( verb ) : The sum or amount of money at which a thing is valued .

The phone price was 1500 .

11 ) Party ( verb ) : number of persons invited to a social entertainment .

The party was very nice .

12 ) Problem ( noun ) : a matter difficult of solution or settlement .

I had a problem in the college .

13 ) Travel ( noun ) : journeying from place to place .

We travel to Lebanon .

14 ) Nowadays ( adv ) : In these days or at the present time .

Nowadays many people travel .

15 ) Beautiful ( noun ) : Having the qualities which constitute beauty or pleasing to the sight or the mind .

It is a beautiful car .

16 ) Busy (adj): Actively and attentively engaged in work .

Ahmed was busy at the match .

17) Reached ( verb ) : To get to or get as far as in moving .

I reached the college early .

18 ) Disease ( noun ): An illness which affects a person .

There are many new diseases .

19 ) Which ( noun ) : Of what sort or kind .

This is the car which I want .

20 ) Salary ( noun ) : periodic wage paid to someone for work .

Mohamed will get his salary this month .

21 ) Second ( noun ): the second member of a series.

I've finished the second exam .

22 ) Separate ( verb ): to keep apart or divide .

I separate my time .

23 ) Often (adverb): many times .

I often go to the match .

24 ) Noise ( verb ) : make loud sound .

The music was very noisy .

25 ) People( noun ) : human beings .

The people can speak many languages .

26 ) Account ( noun ): A counting .

I have an account in the bank .

27 ) Population ( noun ): All the people in a country .

The population of Egypt is 70 million .

28 ) Pizza ( noun ): a baked Italian dish consisting of flattened bread dough covered variously with herbs .

Yesterday I ate a pizza .

29 ) Courses ( noun ): a program of instruction .

Last summer I took an English course .

30 ) Healthy ( adj ): Having good health .

We must play sport to be healthy .

31 ) Special ( adj ): of a distinct or particular kind .

It was a special day .

32 ) Percentage ( noun ) : rate or proportion per hundred .

The percentage to pass the exam is 60% .

33 ) Preferred ( adj ) : viewed as superior .

I preferred the Porsche to the BMW .

34 ) Medium ( adj ) : A middle state .

I take a medium size t-shirt .

35 ) Million ( noun ) : a thousand times one thousand .

Fahad won a million dirhams .

36 ) Money ( noun ) : including coins, paper money .

The money is not everything .

37 ) Broken ( adj ) : Reduced to fragments .

Ahmed has broken his hand .

38 ) Control ( noun ) : To exercise restraint .

The government controls the country .

39 ) Degree ( noun ): Any of a series of steps or stages .

I will improve by degrees .

40 ) Follow ( verb ): to come after in sequence .

I was following my friend .

41 ) Instead (adverb): as a substitute or replacement .

I called Ali instead of Nasser .

42 ) Equal ( adj ) : the same as .

All people are equal .

43 ) Almost ( adverb ) : Very nearly; all but .

I was almost on time .

44 ) Describe ( verb ) : To tell or depict in written or spoken words .

The teacher described the lesson .

45 ) Machine ( noun ) : An apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions .

There are many machines in the college .

46 ) Choice ( noun ) : The power or opportunity of choosing; option.

In my life I have many choices .

47 ) Available ( noun ) : Such as one may avail one's self of; capable of being used for the accomplishment of a purpose .

The Blackberrys are available now in the shops .

48 ) Holiday ( noun ) : A day fixed by law for suspension of business .

I spent a nice holiday with my family .

49 ) Weather ( verb ) : To place unhooded in the open air .

The weather was rainy .

50 ) University ( noun ) : An association, society, guild, or corporation .

Ahmed is studying in Abudhabi university .